Today, many photo ID programs or loyalty programs require signatures signed on the authorized signature sheet of id cards, this requirement could strengthen the security of loyalty programs, photo ID programs or membership programs. But it requires additional card making processes and tools so that it is normally not suitable for low-volume users.
But now, with the new version of ID Card Workshop (version 3.8) and Topaz electronic signature pads, you can capture signatures electronically while enrolling new members and save signature images into database for later verification and attach signatures to id cards or membership cards automatically while printing. All you need are a Topaz signature pad, ID Card Workshop software, a printer and a PC.
Following is the instruction of how to capture signatures with ID Card Workshop and Topaz signature pad:
1. Open "Records Manager"

and enter Add/Delete columns

And a new window will be appeared, and click on "Add A New Column"

Enter the column name(in this article we name the new column as "signature") and set type as 'Image'

2. Open 'Card Designer' on ID Card Workshop

3. Insert a Variable Image into card design.


And select the column that you created on previous step on 'Image Field'(the column we used here is "signature")

4. And a 'Variable Image' element will be appeared. Re-size and adjust the position of elements and then save the project.

By far, we have completed the database structure configuration and the card designing. Following is how to capture signatures while enrolling new members.
Enter 'Card Issuing Center'

You will find the column that you created on the 'Data' section, every time you enroll a new member, you can use the same method to capture signatures.
Click on 'Import Image' button below the column and a 'Import' window will be appeared, then click on 'From Signature Pad'

The 'Signature Pad' window will be appeared, sign with Topaz signature pad and click OK.
(Note: Please make sure you have installed the SigPlus software from Topaz Systems and connect signature pad properly via USB cable, otherwise this feature may not work functionally)