Script Engine is a feature designed to allow users to extend functionality of ID Card Workshop, with this feature, users can use the efficient but simple javascript programming language to write and run their own script to implement their own business logic on the basis of
records seeker feature.

The script supporting on ID Card Workshop are made-up by two major features: Script Editor, Script Parsing And Execution Module.
Script Editor: Enables users to manage all the scripts in the specified project. And also enables users to write their own script using javascript programming language, this feature has built-in a test run feature which helps users to debug their script.
Script Parsing And Execution Module: The main part of the script supporting. with this module, users can execute scripts to modify the content of database records when specified actions(events) occurred. For example, in a membership management system, users can execute a member upgrade or downgrade operation to the specified records, which the upgrade and downgrade features are built-in in ID Card Workshop, but users can write a custom script to implement their own operation and execute the script when specified event occurred.